Saturday October 15, 2022

I am physically, psychologically, Spiritually, and everything exhausted.

My male abductor died in 2020 after a long illness. My female abductor died this week unexpectedly. The child is safe and she and her family will never have to risk such an experience as abduction, at least not from my abductors.

So, it should be over. Right? But it’s not. My abductors were brilliant, and I never saw it coming. Even though I thought I knew every trick in their book, I never ever considered they would do this.

What am I ballyhooing about? They told all their friends horrible notrocious things about me, essentially grooming and brainwashing them for years into hating me and continuing the abuse. You have no idea the things people have said to me and done to me. My abductors knew once they were dead, they would never get wicked satisfaction in terrorizing me. So, they groomed and brainwashed their friends into believing I was a horrible child that was deserving of torment and persecution.

My female abductor had her plans detailed with her attorney saying she wanted a woman my female abductor worked with before she retired, plan the funeral, which I am fine with because that was her wish. This woman has been gaslighting me ever since she found out about her death. I was invited to come to the funeral home to help make arrangements and I picked out two dresses, a sweater, two beautiful scarves, underclothes, her watch, and teeth to take to the funeral home. She called  the night before and I asked her what time she would arrive so that I could be dressed and also take the dog out to do her business, give her a big bowl of food and a big bowl of water incase she got hungry or thirsty, and let her run the house. I want to believe she didn’t hear me… but I did not misunderstand her. She accuses me of neglecting the dog if I go. 

That literally scared me into nearly having a heart attack. I have been diagnosed with heart problems and high blood pressure, along with a host of other medical issues. I have lost 14.2 pounds in 3 and 1/2 days because of the stress of what people, including her are doing and saying to me. Well, I knew where she was going with this. The will has not been opened yet. She thinks everything was left to me, which I doubt it was because of how much they hated me and wished I would be raped and murdered. She is trying to make me either die from a heart attack or try to cause me to deteriorate so badly that she will apply to be my guardian. If she succeeds either way, she can pocket the money.

When she called to say she was running late and would be here in an hour, I was still upset by what she said the night before. I told her I was not going and she can come pick up the clothes for the funeral home. She comes and I have to call the funeral home because she wants my female abductors Drivers License and Social Security Card. She claims the funeral home needs them. Well, I thought that was suspicious because she has lied to me all week, so I called the funeral home and they told me that they did not need the cards. They just needed the number and her name, which I gave them. They further asked me other information that this woman knew, but I guess didn’t tell them or they realized what I was realizing, and that is she lies like a politician.

I gave her everything, except the Drivers License and the Social Security Card, and she left. I had asked the funeral home to please let me know they got everything. I gave them a detailed list of everything, and I asked the funeral home Director that if there was any thing they could not use, please return them to me. I only made that request because it is part of the estate and the attorney wants to sell everything she can sell. I expressed to the Director that I was concerned about things mysteriously disappearing. I hate being suspicious of people, but after what she put me through and contradicting what the funeral home said, I am sorry, but I don’t trust her. The Director told me he would get whatever they don’t use back to me even if he had to drive to my abductor’s home. Well, I didn’t hear back from him, so I called the funeral home the next morning but he was beginning a funeral and his secretary said he would call back. The afternoon came and I didn’t hear from him. So, I called and he answered. He tells me she made the decision that she did not want the things I sent. She was going to buy something for the funeral home to put on her. But here is the “kicker”. There was a red corduroy long sleeved dress and a beautiful elegant long sleeved dress. Each dress I included a beautiful scarf, and a sweater because the funeral home requires arms and necks to be covered due to the embalming. She took the beautiful blue dress, the beautiful scarf that went with it, and the black sweater for herself. She left everything else at the funeral home. When he told me that she took some of the things, I asked him why he let her take them, and he told me he was not going to grab things out of her hands and then he got angry with me and told me I should have been at the meeting. I don’t blame him because he’s right. She only had authority to do the funeral and not take the estate for herself. That is why she intimidated me into not going. So, I called the police and reported her. I refuse to let her “fly on the spoil”! I am not going to let her rob a dead person.

The police officer called her and she started by telling him she is the Executor of the Estate, which is a lie. He convinced her to return the items to the attorney. He ends by asking her if she is the Executor of the Estate. That is when she tells him “no”, and that she is only responsible for planning the funeral. She tells him she was going to return the items to me, but if that is the case, why didn’t she bring the other dress, scarf, underclothes that the Director said she rejected and was going to buy her something? She stole those things because she wanted them and thought she could get away with it. She then tells him that she is scared of me. Scared of what? Scared that I didn’t let her get away with stealing? Scared that I refuse to forfeit my rights and just let her take over my life? What is she scared of? If ANYONE has the right to be scared, IT IS ME!  IT IS THE DOG! 

I am literally petrified with fear of what will happen to the dog if she gets her wish. “Oh, let’s sell her to a lab as a lab rat. Maybe we can find a lab in Virginia like the one that was closed down for abusing Beagles. Why should I care what happens to her. We can get good money for her!”

Nobody had better come back and say the above comment was out of line because you have no concept of what this woman put me through!

Well, before the cop left, he told me there is no crime, but, he did tell me that I should find an estate attorney that will look out for my interests.

That would be wonderful  if there were any attorneys that would do it pro bono. 

Any qualified licensed estate attorneys reading my diatribe interested in representing me pro bono?

Yea, that’s what I thought.